NHSF (UK) National News

Committees’ Experience Day 2023

Committees’ Experience Day 2023

On September 2nd, 2023, the National Hindu Students' Forum (UK) hosted the Committees' Experience Day (CED). The purpose of CED was to kickstart the academic year for students in their respective Hindu societies by equipping committee members with essential skills and...

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Yatra 2023: Insight from an Attendee

Yatra 2023: Insight from an Attendee

When a friend invited me on to a Yatra (Hindu Pilgrimage) hosted by NHSF (UK) along the Seven Sisters cliffs I jumped at the chance. The gentle rolling chalk hills of South Downs are so quintessentially English they’ve inspired many a writer and painter; Wordsworth,...

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Yatra 2023

Yatra 2023

This August marked the third Yatra held by NHSF (UK), where we aim to get Hindu students to connect with nature and their Karmabhoomi in Britain. We strive to create a memorable and challenging experience that students will want to build upon each year. This...

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Presidents’ Day 2023

Presidents’ Day 2023

I found Presidents’ Day a very useful and informative day. Although I attended Presidents’ Day last year, I felt there were things I learnt from this too. Something that we focused on this year was the ability to sell your society to potential sponsors and external...

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July Committees’ Day 2023

July Committees’ Day 2023

The July Committees' Day (JCD) event is the first event of the NHSF calendar and thereby takes its place as one of the most important events across the year. The event was based on the theme: creating future Hindu leaders. After university level elections in the...

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Chattri Memorial

Chattri Memorial

During the First World War (1914-18) over 1.5 million Indian army soldiers saw active service alongside British troops. 12,000 Indian soldiers who were wounded on the Western Front were hospitalised at sites around Brighton. These included York Place School, the Dome,...

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British Hindu’s Event at BAPS Neasden

British Hindu’s Event at BAPS Neasden

At the grateful invitation from BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, NHSF (UK) attended the event ‘Celebrating British Hindu Contributions’ on the 19th May 2023 at Neasden Temple.  This event celebrated the eternal principles of Hindu Dharma and paid tribute to the valuable...

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The Kashmiri Hindu Identity: 33 Years On

The Kashmiri Hindu Identity: 33 Years On

On the 9th of February 2023, NHSF (UK) hosted an event in collaboration with the UCL Hindu Society: 'The Kashmiri Hindu Identity: 33 Years On.’ The event aimed to explore the living experience of the Hindu identity from the perspective of British Kashmiris, exiled...

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Yatra 2022: A Student’s Insights

Yatra 2022: A Student’s Insights

The NHSF (UK) Yatra was a life-changing experience – one I will never forget. Having attended both Yatras, in the heavy rains in the hills of the Peak District and along the rolling cliffs of the South Downs: I was certainly challenged, both physically and mentally.

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