Affiliate with us

Find out why over 40 university societies have decided to affiliate to NHSF (UK), envision how your Hindu Society could benefit with our help, and understand how the entire affiliation process works – this is where you begin your NHSF (UK) journey.

North zone

Reaching from the University of York in North Yorkshire to Keele University in Staffordshire, the NHSF (UK) Campus North Zone encompasses nine university societies, continually improving in membership numbers and the diversity of their respective events.

Central Zone

Sitting squarely in the heartlands of England, NHSF (UK) Campus Central Zone is one of our largest zones in terms of student members, coming together annually for the largest student Navratri event in the UK with Central Zone Navratri 2019 seeing over 1100 students attend.

London Zone

Our most concentrated zone in terms of university societies, NHSF (UK) Campus London Zone sees some of our most stable and oldest Hindu societies – this is where NHSF (UK) began its journey in 1991 at the London Scool of Economics (LSE).

South Zone

Our most geographically dispersed zone, reaching from the University of East Anglia in the East of England to the University of Exeter in the South West of England, NHSF (UK) Campus South Zone is our fastest-growing zone with twelve university Hindu societies.

NHSF (UK) Zones

Affiliated Hindu Societies

University & School Student Members